In Bird Safe Glass, Catie Urquhart, shares the importance of smart bird safe glass.

Editor’s Comments: OCEAN 60 is published for you, our readers, curious about innovative problem solving and interested in the environmental issues we share. Healthy communities need healthy resources, especially coastal towns. Right here on Cape Cod we are about to begin an extraordinary estuary restoration (See Tess Holland’s article on the Herring River). Abigail Eilar writes about a troubling (for me anyway), mysterious and a bit spooky, dolls washing onto Gulf Coast beaches. I am reachable for your comments at gordonpeabody@gmail.com. Advertising-free OCEAN is the environmental education publication of Safe Harbor Environmental, a small inter-disciplinary consulting group in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. Please feel free to share this issue with friends and colleagues. Thank you to our readers for your continuing support.

Innovative Bike Paths

Plant Plankton Changes?

Herring River Estuary

Bird Safe Glass

The Calm Before The Storm

OCEAN 60 Articles

Recycled Sports

Grass Bans

Washed Up Dolls

Foam in Polluted Waters


In Mechanical Trees, researcher Lindsey Stanton describes how man made trees can help reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

In Mechanical Trees, researcher Lindsey Stanton describes how man made trees can help reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

Welcome to OCEAN 59. This is the environmental education publication of Safe Harbor Environmental Consulting, a small, interdisciplinary environmental collaborative, located on Duck Creek Marsh, in Wellfleet on Cape Cod. You will find no advertising or solicitations in your newsletter, because it is yours to read, discus and share with friends, as Public Domain. Tess Holland’s article on icebergs having left behind tracks in the Florida Keys was pretty surprising but then, I had to read Lindsey Stanton’s article on Mechanical Trees twice. In this edition we are beginning a new series “CLOSE TO HOME," about some of the strategies and systems we use when working in or near protected wetland areas. These are also Public Domain. Thank you for supporting and sharing OCEAN.

Regards, Gordon Peabody OCEAN Editor

OCEAN 59 Articles 

Iceberg Tracks in Florida Keys                     Small Island Town, Big Challenge 

How Much is too Much?                              Mechanical Trees?

When the Road Drives the Car                     Ethiopian Banana Tackles Climate Change 

Close to Home: Saving Trees                        Close to Home: Re-using Trees

Editor’s Final Words 


OCEAN is the environmental education publication of Safe Harbor, a small environmental consulting collaborative, on Duck Creek Marsh in Wellfleet, on Cape Cod. Our researchers always surprise me with their discoveries: Lindsay Stanton documenting the 42,000 year old reversal of our magnetic field from an ancient buried tree; Tess Holland looked at the counter-intuitive concept of “Ropeless” Lobstering; OCEAN Associate Editor Catherine Urquhart’s troubling research about potential Radioactive discharge into Cape Cod Bay reminded me of when I attended College, where I was the only student using their Isotope Pit, researching biological magnification of Radioactive Isotopes between phytoplankton and zooplankton. Radioactivity doesn't disappear, it Bioaccumulates. Bioaccumulation of Radioactivity was not debatable at the time but maybe things have changed? OCEAN belongs to you, our readers and you have our permission to share. Regards, Gordon Peabody, OCEAN Editor

In Too Close to Home, researcher Catherine Urquhart

In Too Close to Home, researcher Catherine Urquhart looks into radioactive discharge.

OCEAN 58 Articles 

Safe Harbor Slope Stabilization used in UK

Counterintuitive “Ropeless” Lobstering 

Cargo Ships That Can Kite Surf 

Oyster Partnership Cleans up Hudson 

Too Close to Home 

Got Arachnophobia?

Healthier Cape Cod 

Feather in the Wind 

Impacts of Light on Insects 

Alaska Experiences Climate Whiplash 

Extraordinary Discovery in Ancient Buried Tree


Researcher Eliza Fitzgerald to looks into the ocean heating up in “Tropical Fish Found in Massachusetts Area”

This environmental education e-newsletter is written, with no advertisements or solicitation. In this issue I recommend the 3 video links you will discover, documenting a degree of inspiration we can all use. When it comes to drinking water, Cape Cod is spoiled, with some of the cleanest, sand filtered rainwater in New England. That being said, Researcher Lindsey Stanton discovered the unpleasant truth about the footprints of a “Miracle” firefighting chemical we use. New England sea water spends the entire year, within a very narrow temperature range. It takes a lot of energy to alter sea water temperature, so when news came in about “Our” ocean heating up, we asked Researcher Eliza Fitzgerald to look into it. Our articles are kept short, with references and links for more information. Thank you to our readers for their support in sharing OCEAN. 

Thanks, Gordon Peabody, OCEAN Editor.

OCEAN 57 Articles

Keep Healthy, Stay Informed

Know What we are Drinking 

Quiet Fisherman on Cape Cod Save Baby Scallops 

Can we Bring Back the Herring? 

The Road to Recovery: The Northern Redbelly Dace 

Innovative Ecosystem Research on Light 

Are Our Feet Heading into the Fire? 

Small Stuff, Big Problem 

Atmospheric CO2 Entering Oceans 

Will Maine Shrimp Sink or Swim? 

New Technology for Drinking Salt Water 

Tropical Fish Found in Massachusetts Area