Researcher Eliza Fitzgerald to looks into the ocean heating up in “Tropical Fish Found in Massachusetts Area”
This environmental education e-newsletter is written, with no advertisements or solicitation. In this issue I recommend the 3 video links you will discover, documenting a degree of inspiration we can all use. When it comes to drinking water, Cape Cod is spoiled, with some of the cleanest, sand filtered rainwater in New England. That being said, Researcher Lindsey Stanton discovered the unpleasant truth about the footprints of a “Miracle” firefighting chemical we use. New England sea water spends the entire year, within a very narrow temperature range. It takes a lot of energy to alter sea water temperature, so when news came in about “Our” ocean heating up, we asked Researcher Eliza Fitzgerald to look into it. Our articles are kept short, with references and links for more information. Thank you to our readers for their support in sharing OCEAN.
Thanks, Gordon Peabody, OCEAN Editor.
OCEAN 57 Articles
Keep Healthy, Stay Informed
Know What we are Drinking
Quiet Fisherman on Cape Cod Save Baby Scallops
Can we Bring Back the Herring?
The Road to Recovery: The Northern Redbelly Dace
Innovative Ecosystem Research on Light
Are Our Feet Heading into the Fire?
Small Stuff, Big Problem
Atmospheric CO2 Entering Oceans
Will Maine Shrimp Sink or Swim?
New Technology for Drinking Salt Water
Tropical Fish Found in Massachusetts Area