Samantha Thywissen and Malcolm Fano were married on Cape Cod this summer, at a ceremony officiated by OCEAN Editor Gordon Peabody.
OCEAN 63 is the “Editor’s Issue”, providing some insight into who we are and a pet peeve from one of our first issues, regarding an ongoing Cape Cod problem. We have also included other articles from our Research Team, including one from our youngest but passionate researcher who lived with Manatees this summer. OCEAN is an advertising free, Environmental Education Publication, self-funded by Safe Harbor Environmental Services, a collaborative environmental consulting group on Cape Cod. Download and share back issues at
-Gordon Peabody, Editor
OCEAN 63 Articles
New Scrabble Word: Invasivorism
Not Sci-Fi Dept: Gigantic Snails
Living with Endangered Giants in Belize
Editor’s Final Thoughts
Saving a Lake in the Sky
Summer Intern Profiles
OCEAN Wedding
Editor’s Pet Peeve Department