
Editor’s Comments:

OCEAN 33 We are envious of the “live smaller, live better, take it anywhere” concept our researcher Noelle Marston uncovered and brought to our attention. Rae Taylor Burns explores solar powered road surfaces, while Brigid McKenna takes a close look at links between Atlantic Ocean temperature changes and plankton. Closer to home, Cape Cod’s Oak trees have been eaten alive by caterpillars and we investigated the details of what has been referred to as “Caterpillar Winter”.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor  

Ocean 33 Articles

Solar Innovations

Water from air

Rising temperatures and Madden Oscillations

Ruth Leeney and African sawfishes

Carbon flux

Caterpillars in New England


New “Windtamer” wind energy technology now implemented in Europe

New “Windtamer” wind energy technology now implemented in Europe

Editor’s Comments:

Thank you for reading, sharing and supporting our 32nd issue of OCEAN. This issue explores some remarkable, technical advances aiding the environment: a drone designed to monitor how whales breath differently when no humans are around; new wind energy innovations; and the most remarkable invention, allowing water to be transported in underdeveloped countries, by rolling it as a wheel. Thank you to OCEAN's team of environmental researchers and to you our readers, for reading, sharing and believing in new ideas with us.

~Gordon Peabody, Editor

Ocean 32 Articles

Kelp for biofuel

“Snot-bot” drone observing whales from above

Sustainable shrimp

“Wello” innovation in water transportation

Tracking geomorphology on Cape Cod

New innovation in wind turbines